The Universal in the Particular: Reading Inquiry Theater as Critical Theory,

David Dodd, Charles Vanover

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Inquiry Theater aims to recover the insights and wisdom of the individual research participant, knowledge that would be lost in the vast samples of quantitative research. Inquiry Theatre also creates an audience that can discuss and reflect on how their own lived experience corresponds to the the experiences evoked in the drama. We propose that Inquiry Theater can intervene in a third dimension, by introducing terms and arguments for use in the larger project of critical theory. Drawing on Hegel's theory of drama from "The Phenomenology of Spirit," we will present a three-stage reading of Charles Vanover's ethnodrama "Goodbye to All That!" that identifies language and themes that address the broad crisis in the current neoliberal political order, as well as the specific crises in the Chicago Public Schools that are the explicit topic of the play.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Jan 18 2019


  • Hegel
  • Ethnodrama
  • Chicago Public Schools


  • Education
  • Quantitative, Qualitative, Comparative, and Historical Methodologies

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