There is Power in a Union-2007

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<p> The Democratic victory in the 2006 Congressional elections meant that the name of the Committee overseeing Labor concerns was returned its original robust title: the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor. 2 Under the leadership of Rep. George Miller the U.S. saw the &filig;rst minimum wage increase in ten years (Rubin).The Employee Free Choice Act passed the House, but stalled in the Senate.Librariansʼ support of the Act is strong with the ALA-APA Council having voted in favor of the Act by resolution in June 2006 and a statement issued in support of HR 800 in March, 2007.</p>
Original languageAmerican English
JournalProgressive Librarian
StatePublished - Jan 1 2008


  • Library and Information Science

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