‘They Clip our Wings’: Studying Achievement and Racialisation through a Roma Perspective

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This article presents data gathered among Bulgarian Romani communities during a project investigating the educational hardship of Roma people. Major social inequalities affect the educational and life chances of Roma students. Despite European Union political frameworks, the perspectives of Roma themselves remain undocumented. This paper addresses this gap by reporting on data from interviews with Roma parents and students, which reveal practices of discrimination racialising Roma in Bulgarian schools. Reporting on modes of racialisation, the author shows the direct impact of experiences of discrimination on Roma students’ educational and career prospects. The findings are relevant to building knowledge of how racialisation, which has shaped the societal discourse surrounding Roma groups, remains integral in contemporary Europe, reinforcing racialised social hierarchies. This article informs further our understanding of the limitations of concentrated political efforts to bring actual change in the lives of Roma if destructive social constructions, such as racialisation, are not sufficiently addressed.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalIntercultural Education
StatePublished - Jan 1 2020


  • Roma
  • racialisation
  • inclusion
  • culture
  • racism


  • Education

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