Unpacking assumptions in research synthesis A critical construct synthesis approach.pdf

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Research syntheses in education, particularly meta-analyses and best-evidence syntheses, identify evidence-based practices by combining findings across studies whose constructs are similar enough to warrant comparison. Yet constructs come preloaded with social, historical, political, and cultural assumptions that anticipate how research problems are framed and solutions formulated. The information research syntheses provide is therefore incomplete when the assumptions underlying constructs are not critically understood. We describe and demonstrate a new systematic review method, critical construct synthesis (CCS), to unpack assumptions in research synthesis and to show how other framings of educational problems are made possible when the constructs excluded through methodological elimination decisions are taken into consideration.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalEducational Researcher
StatePublished - 2017


  • critical theory
  • education policy
  • disability studies
  • meta-analysis
  • qualitative research


  • Education
  • Disability and Equity in Education
  • Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research

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