Uptake of Znsup65/sup and Mnsup54/sup into Body Tissues and Renal Concretions by the Southern Quahog, emMercenaria Campechiensis/em (Gmelin): Effects of Elevated Phosphate and Metal Concentrations

W. L. Miller, N. J. Blake, R. H. Byrne

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The reliable use of marine molluscs as indicator organisms for metal contamination requires an understanding of how environmental parameters effect metal accumulation. 1,2 In Tampa Bay, Florida, phosphate concentrations are periodically extremely high due to local deposits and mining activity. 3 Since an important metal detoxification sink for marine bivalves (inorganic renal granules) requires phosphate, 4,5 its availability may influence metal metabolism. The effects of dissolved phosphate on metal accumulation in marine molluscs are presently undescribed. In this study a subtropical bivalve, Mercenaria campechiensis , is examined for uptake and tissue distribution of Zn 65 and Mn 54 accumulated from seawater containing varied concentrations of inorganic phosphate, total zinc and manganese. Highest 10 day tissue concentrations for both metals were found in the kidney with results showing different uptake patterns for zinc and manganese. Total metal and inorganic phosphate concentrations showed marginal effects on manganese distribution while producing significant variation in the zinc distribution between kidneys and gills.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalMarine Environmental Research
StatePublished - Jan 1 1985


  • Life Sciences

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