Using Online Endless Quizzes as Graded Homework

Gwen Lee-Thomas, Autar Kaw, Ali Yalcin

Research output: Other contribution


In summary, the results of the EOQs at USF during the spring 2010 and summer 2010 semesters revealed that overall students' learning styles, efficacy, pre-requisite grades (with the possible exception of Calculus 3) with EOQs did not have a significant relationship to the students SLE scores. This is possibly a positive outcome of the EOQ environment because regardless of the students pre-course disposition, they can be successful with demonstrating knowledge of SLE if they have unlimited access and time with EOQs. With regard to their profile, the majority of the students had a high preference for the sequential and precise learning patterns in spring 2010, while the majority had a high preference for sequential, precise, and technical in summer 2010. Results of the students self reported, self-efficacy profile revealed that students tended to have a medium to high efficacy in learning new concepts with technology or with hands on experience, but reported a medium to low self-efficacy when discussing topics with which they were unfamiliar. With regard to the focus group, the students overwhelmingly indicated that the EOQs practice tool was easy to use, helpful to increasing their understanding of the course work, improved their ability to perform well on tests and in-class quizzes, and allowed them to practice problems and concepts without the stress and pressure of being timed. Ultimately, the students would recommend EOQs to other students as well as other universities as long as some of the suggestions for improvement were implemented. The final examination performance of students in the semesters when EOQs were used showed significant improvement over the semesters when homework was assigned but not graded.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Jan 1 2011

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