Video-Based Response Revision: Dialogic Instruction Using Video and Web 2.0 Technologies

Anne Heintz, Carlin Borsheim, Samantha Caughlan, Mary M Juzwik, Michael Sherry

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This article documents the curricular decisions made by a teacher educator research team whose guiding theoretical focus for intern practice is dialogic instruction. Over a 2-year sequence, teaching interns used video and Web 2.0 technologies to respond critically to and revise their teaching practices in collaboration with peers and instructors. This article describes how a focus on dialogic instruction and an adoption of a multiliteracies pedagogy guided the implementation and use of technologies within the project. Through multiple examples of curriculum, including excerpts from course materials, screencasts of the adopted networking platform, Voicethread, and video of class sessions, the authors describe how a focus on the dialogic creates spaces for interactions that allow responsive and revisionary attitudes toward not only teaching practices, but the potential and place of technologies in teacher education.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalContemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education
StatePublished - Jun 1 2010
Externally publishedYes


  • Education

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