Wearable devices: Information privacy, policy and user behavior

Natalie Greene Taylor, Loni Hagen, Ersin Dincelli, Kristene Unsworth

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


As wearable devices continue to rise in popularity and become more embedded in our lives, there is a growing need for better information privacy policies protecting users' privacy and education raising users' awareness for such privacy-invasive technologies. This panel is an exploration of the interplay between privacy policies and user behavior. The panel will address (1) current privacy policies for wearable devices, (2) how users' perceptions of privacy affects their responses to these policies and use of wearable devices and (3) the potential gaps in users' understanding of how their personal information from such devices is collected, transmitted and stored for undefined future use. Panelists will discuss these concepts from the perspectives of law, psychology, information systems and digital literacy. This panel is intended to be interactive and will encourage the audience to discuss their own understandings of information privacy in the context of wearable devices. The panel aims to contribute in developing information science-specific approaches to wearable device privacy policy and education and in making suggestions for future research.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalProceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology
StatePublished - Oct 24 2017


  • wearable devices
  • quantified self
  • digital literacy
  • information privacy
  • security
  • policy
  • user behavior


  • Library and Information Science

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