What are we trippin' on?: Transgressing the fault lines in research on the preparation of multicultural educators.

Carl A. Grant, Vonzell Agosto

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


How do we prepare multicultural educators? The purpose of the chapter is to discuss some of the research in multicultural teacher education that speaks to, and in doing so, participates in the life of this enduring problem. In what direction might other rationales and lines of inquiry lead the research in multicultural teacher education.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationSage Handbook for Research in Education: Engaging Ideas and Enriching Inquiry
StatePublished - 2006


  • Multicultural Education
  • Teacher Education


  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Curriculum and Social Inquiry
  • Educational Administration and Supervision
  • Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies
  • Teacher Education and Professional Development

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